We are dedicated to producing naturally grown and flavorful vegetables and fruits; apiary products, and cut flowers…all free of pesticides, preservatives, and herbicides. We practice agricultural best practices and our products are handcrafted and grown naturally. The farm consists of two high tunnels, several fields, and a small apiary.
WE GROW . . .
Our small ten-acre diverse family farm, Botanical Bites & Provisions, LLC, is a labor of love and an outgrowth of our passion for healthy living. We grow fresh eggplants, garlic, asparagus, bell peppers, beets, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, swiss chard, collards, cucumbers, gourds, green beans, snap beans, hot Asian peppers, kale, leeks, lettuce, spinach, watermelon, cantaloupe, okra, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, yellow squash, tomatoes, turnips, zucchini squash, and much more.
We also grow an assortment of beautiful and lovely cut flowers; and we raise honeybees too!
At our farm we’re passionate about what we do. Our vegetables, fruits, and products allow you to create fabulous recipes and it’s all thanks to the good soil we are blessed with and loving care given to everything we grow. You will find that the natural cosmetics we create will leave your skin and body feeling soooooo smooth, moisturized, and radiant. After trying our products, please be sure to contact us and tell us what you think.
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